H ave you ever tried to lose weight, for instance by trying a trendy diet or weight loss pill – only to be disappointed?
This is unfortunately very common these days. Millions of people are overweight, but it can seem like there is no solution that really works to help you lose all the weight – and keep it off.
That’s why today I’m going to be talking about a new nutritional supplement called “Ultra Omega Burn™” that I think is actually something different, that could potentially help a lot of people
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>> SPECIAL: DISCOUNT on Ultra Omega Burn™ Click Here To Order Now (Limited Time Offer!)
I’ve struggled with my own weight for many years, so I know how frustrating it can be to try in vain to lose weight.
Some things seem to show a little promise, but finding the thing that makes a real difference, and helps you get your weight to where you want it to be, well that can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack!
* In this review I will start off by talking about an interesting new theory on why it is so hard to lose weight, even if you are counting calories and exercising. Then I’ll give you some basic information about this new supplement Ultra Omega Burn™ and discuss how it is supposed to work to help your body burn fat naturally. Then I’ll talk about product safety, and potential side-effects. *
So What’s This New Theory On Why It’s So Hard To Lose Weight?

* According to Derek Evans – the researcher who created Ultra Omega Burn™ – a person’s body’s fat cells can experience difficulty receiving specific chemical signals that they need in order to “open up” and release the fat that they are storing so that your body can burn it for energy.*
* In theory, as we age it can become harder and harder for our fat cells to send and receive these messages, due to chronic inflammation. *
* The good news is that researchers at Harvard University have apparently discovered that a natural molecule called palmitoleic acid (or “Omega 7”) can force fat cells to release the fat they are storing. *
>> Click Here To Order Your Shipment Of Ultra Omega Burn™
What Is This “Ultra Omega Burn™” Supplement All About?
Ultra Omega Burn™ is an all natural nutritional supplement that was created by Derek Evans that contains pure, cold-pressed palmitoleic acid which is also known as Omega 7.
* The idea behind Omega 7 supplementation is that it can apparently help your body’s fat cells to release the fat they are storing, which can potentially assist in weight loss as well as other health benefits.*
Unlike many other Omega 7 supplements that contain a type of saturated fat called “palmitic acid” (not to be confused with the palmitoleic acid) Ultra Omega Burn™ is sourced in such a way as to keep this apparently unhealthy substance out
Ultra Omega Burn™ Safety & Side Effects:
Ultra Omega Burn™ is an all natural nutritional supplement. Thousands of people have taken it without any adverse side effects being reported.
* That being said there are some other potential benefits to taking Ultra Omega Burn™ including potentially improved digestion, potential for increased energy, and potential improvements to the appearance and strength of hair, skin and nails.*
Money Back Guarantee on Ultra Omega Burn™
In order to encourage customers to give their product a try Ultra Omega Burn™ is offering a full 365 day money back guarantee on all orders. This means that if you are unsatisfied with Ultra Omega Burn™ for any reason at all, or for no reason, you can request and will receive a full refund – even a full year after your purchase!
Ultra Omega Burn™ Benefits:
* Palmitic Acid Free – Many other Omega 7 supplements contain Palmitic Acid, a type of saturated fat that some researchers believe can cause inflammation and be harmful to your health. Luckily, Ultra Omega Burn™ is Palmitic Acid free.*
* Cold-Pressed & Short Storage Life – Unlike other Omega 7 supplements Ultra Omega Burn™ is made using a cold-press extraction method. This is one to keep the Omega 7 fatty acids from being destroyed or degraded during the extraction process. Additionally, Ultra Omega Burn™ is only available directly from the company, so you can’t find it on Amazon, at GNC or in any other stores. This is very important because bottles you’ll find elsewhere have likely been stored for extensive periods of time which can lead to the Omega 7 to break down and become rancid. Both of these factors are key because they ensure you will receive optimal nutritional benefit from the supplement.
* No Weird, Un-Safe Or Sketchy Ingredients – Buying supplements can be tricky, because there is so much junk out there, and so many weird and untested ingredients, fillers, and other sketchy things that companies can add to their products. With Ultra Omega Burn™ you can rest assured that you are getting nothing but pure, high quality Omega 7, and nutrient that has been researched extensively and one that many researchers believe have multiple significant benefits as discussed in this review.*
Special Introductory Offer – Ultra Omega Burn™ is currently offering an introductory price that is $40 off on one bottle, you can also choose to get a full 60% off if you opt to buy a 6-month supply. You can see the details and access this special offer through the link provided below. This special offer also includes access to 3 special gifts that are included for free with your order.
Money Back – As mentioned above, Ultra Omega Burn™ has a full money back guarantee that they offer to all customers for a full year from when you purchase (365 days). This essentially makes this a completely risk free purchase.
Any Downside To Ultra Omega Burn™?
* Not The Cheapest – There are other Omega 7 supplements that are cheaper. This being said, these products are typically sold via retailers, which means that they have been on the shelf for an unknown length of time. As discussed above these types of oils are unstable and prone to spoilage. As such Ultra Omega Burn is the only supplement of this type recommended by this website. Furthermore many other Omega 7 supplements use cheaper sources of Omega 7 and are likely to contain Palmitic Acid which we recommend avoiding at all costs.*
How To Buy Ultra Omega Burn™:
As discussed real Ultra Omega Burn™ is only available directly from the company. There may potentially be other websites trying to cash in on the popularity of Ultra Omega Burn™ so it is recommended to only buy from the company’s official website.
The link provided below will allow you to order directly from the company and access a special discounted offer.
Special Discounted Offer:
There’s a special offer available right now on Ultra Omega Burn™ where you can get 50% off one bottle and as much as 67% off when ordering multiple bottles. Click the link Below for all the details..
>> SPECIAL: DISCOUNT on Ultra Omega Burn™ Click Here To Order Now (Limited Time Offer!)
Disclaimer *: Individual results may vary. It should be noted that the statements made, have not been evaluated by the FDA and should only be considered the opinion of this site. Ultra Omega Burn™ is not intended to diagnose, cure, cure, or even prevent any disease. Ultra Omega Burn™ is designed to be a potentially beneficial nutritional supplement.
FTC Disclosure: While we are never paid to write a review, if you do click on a link from our site and make a purchase, we may get a paid commission.